API Reference

Update a subscriber's details, identified by subscriber UID. Notice that a subscriber's UID is globally unique. A contact identified by his/her email address may have more than one UID if he or she is added to more than one list.


api_token string
Your API token. You can find it in your API main page when logged in.

uid string
Subsciber's uid

EMAIL string
Subscriber's email

tag string
Subscriber's tags, seperated by a comma (,).

[OTHER_FIELDS...] string
All subscriber's other fields: FIRST_NAME (?), LAST_NAME (?),... (depending on the list fields configuration)

$client = new Acelle\Client(
$client->subscriber()->update('e31046fce3d83', [
    'EMAIL' => '[email protected]',
    'tag' => 'foo,bar,tag+with+space,',
    'FIRST_NAME' => 'Marine',
    'LAST_NAME' => 'Joze',
    "status": 1,
    "message": "Subscriber was successfully updated",
    "subscriber_uid": "5fd07b8b65284"