API Reference

List all subscribers of a given list identified by a UID


api_token string
Your API token. You can find it in your API main page when logged in.

list_uid string
List's uid

api_token string
Your API token. You can find it in your API main page when logged in.

open string
default: all; yes - opened some campaigns; no - not opened any campaign

click string
default: all; yes - clicked some campaigns; no - not clicked any campaign

per_page string
Number of subscribers per page. Default: 25

page string
Page number

$client = new Acelle\Client(
    'list_uid' => '5fade5c93e42a',
    'per_page' => '20',
    'page' => '1',
        "uid": "5fd07b8b65284",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "status": "subscribed",
        "FIRST_NAME": "Nick",
        "LAST_NAME": "KKu",
        "CUSTOM_FIELD_1": "test"